Illustration: GFC Collection / Alamy Stock Photo
Earlier I promised to add on this website more additional texts related to in this book: The changing Social Economy of the Arts. Because since its publication I focused on my new book and the missing additional texts are covered in the new book Economies of Serious and popular Art I refrained from more additional text than those available under the other menu tabs.
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- Click on the menu items WEB-NOTES and SUPLEMENTARY TEXTS (WEB-TEXTS) to read the notes and texts which are referred to in the book.
- The English on the web-site has not been corrected by a native speaker.
- People who can organize or promote translations of the book are invited to contact the author or the publisher (Palgrave).
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- All text on the website is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
- The picture on the home page is copy right protected: GFC Collection / Alamy Stock Photo